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Sunday, March 12, 2006


Last night, right before Oliver Stone's movie, JFK came on the History Channel, they had a 2 hour show called the Kennedy Assassination: beyond the conspiracy. What got me mad about it was they brought up the infamous "single bullet theory" cooked up by Arlen Spector and Gerald Ford because they couldn't explain 3 shots in 6 seconds from Oswald's rifle. According to the show last night, one bullet could have caused all those injuries, but what they neglected was the fact that there was more lead in Connelly's body; his rib, his wrist and his thigh, than the entire amount of lead missing from Commission Exhibit 399. Sure the tail of the bullet was miss-shapen but there were only two tiny nicks on the nose of the bullet, far less that those in the wounds.

I know many think Oliver Stone is out there, but I've been researching the Kennedy assassination since I was 10 yrs old. I've read almost every book published on the topic with the exception of the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission. The one thing that no one can deny is the Zapuder film. Just as in JFK, Garrision pointed out in the film that the head shot caused Kennedy's head to go back and to the left. Not only that but clearly from his right ear back was blown away. It moves forward like on a hinge, and that's been clear in the film since its existence. NOW, if the Warren Commission was right and he was shot from behind, his face would have been blown away, which is clearly not the case.

Kennedy had made enemies while in office. He fired Dulles from the head of the CIA. In fact he had plans to break up the CIA and turn over counter intelligence to the military. He had plans to pull out of Vietnam. He was shaking up the establishment in D.C. and not too many there liked it. J. Edgar Hoover spied on him constantly. And because of Bobby being Attorney General and going after organized crime, Jimmy Hoffa had stated that he would see the Kennedy Brothers in the ground before he was. As Oliver Stone compared, Kennedy was like Julius Caesar with the whole Roman Senate out to kill him.

The truth won't come out until the two who came up with the single bullet theory are dead, Ford and Spector.


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