A place where intelligent debates can occur

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Mine Safety Concerns Were Raised on Day of Blast

Would it surprise anyone that the same people who own this mine also own the Sago mine which had a simlar event which 12 miners were killed and everyone was glued to their TVs to see the other get rescued.

AND, the same lapses in safety caused this explosion as well. How many do these owners have to kill before the Gov't shut them down?

Monday, March 13, 2006



is back up and running. I don't know what happened yesterday that caused it to crash on me, but I'm going to be posting on the original blog again.
sorry for the confusion.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Last night, right before Oliver Stone's movie, JFK came on the History Channel, they had a 2 hour show called the Kennedy Assassination: beyond the conspiracy. What got me mad about it was they brought up the infamous "single bullet theory" cooked up by Arlen Spector and Gerald Ford because they couldn't explain 3 shots in 6 seconds from Oswald's rifle. According to the show last night, one bullet could have caused all those injuries, but what they neglected was the fact that there was more lead in Connelly's body; his rib, his wrist and his thigh, than the entire amount of lead missing from Commission Exhibit 399. Sure the tail of the bullet was miss-shapen but there were only two tiny nicks on the nose of the bullet, far less that those in the wounds.

I know many think Oliver Stone is out there, but I've been researching the Kennedy assassination since I was 10 yrs old. I've read almost every book published on the topic with the exception of the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission. The one thing that no one can deny is the Zapuder film. Just as in JFK, Garrision pointed out in the film that the head shot caused Kennedy's head to go back and to the left. Not only that but clearly from his right ear back was blown away. It moves forward like on a hinge, and that's been clear in the film since its existence. NOW, if the Warren Commission was right and he was shot from behind, his face would have been blown away, which is clearly not the case.

Kennedy had made enemies while in office. He fired Dulles from the head of the CIA. In fact he had plans to break up the CIA and turn over counter intelligence to the military. He had plans to pull out of Vietnam. He was shaking up the establishment in D.C. and not too many there liked it. J. Edgar Hoover spied on him constantly. And because of Bobby being Attorney General and going after organized crime, Jimmy Hoffa had stated that he would see the Kennedy Brothers in the ground before he was. As Oliver Stone compared, Kennedy was like Julius Caesar with the whole Roman Senate out to kill him.

The truth won't come out until the two who came up with the single bullet theory are dead, Ford and Spector.



There is a strange contradiction in the story similar to the one that sparked the debate between me and Dennis earlier.

The growth in jobs last month was so strong it enticed 335,000 new job seekers into the market, causing the jobless rate to tick up from 4.7 percent -- the 41/2-year low reached in January.

Okay, if the economy and the job outlook is so great, then why did the "jobless rate to tick up from 4.7 percent?" The rate going up means more people seeking unemployment, not a sign more people are working.



All the utility companies are worried about are lining their pockets. They don't care how many poor and indigent people die from lack of electric heat during the cold winters, or lack of a/c during the broiling summers. They know that have most everyone by the short hairs when it comes to utilities, because they know we can't go anywhere else.



This is ridiculous. She was just a seamtress who refused to give up her seat on a bus, not Mary, the mother of Jesus. She did ONE thing during the civil rights movement. How about all those others, white and black, who marched and protested in Washington D.C. and other places. We don't give as much attention to someone who does one great act of heroism, so why should this woman, whose only act toward the cause was not giving up her seat on the bus get all the adoration?

There was one white woman from up north who left her family and came down to ferry blacks to the polls so they could vote. She was shot and killed while doing it, yet no one has put her on such a pedestal. and she died for the cause.



Never mind ventilations, hospitals especially those here in Montgomery, Alabama, have more that just ventilator shortages. There are nursing shortages, equipment shortages, beds. For the amount of money it cost to stay in the hospital now days, they should be able to have enough staff to take care of the patients. This last time I was in, almost every day they were running short staffed on the ward. So, if this pandemic ever materializes, we are in a lot of trouble. But see, I think the avian flu is like the swine flu of the 1970s, a lot of people thought it would rival the flu pandemic of the 1920s and it never happened.



Bush has given the Democrats plenty of ammunition over the last few years, but still they haven't been able to capitalize on it. This ports deal may finally be the one chance they have of taking the White House back.



Although there is no evidence to support it yet, some believe that Milosevic committed suicide instead of languishing in The Hague for the rest of his life. Considering all the people he had killed, I think he got off lightly.




So, for whose benefit do we take all those pills the doctor prescribes to us? Us, or the drug companies? Its almost better to go back to the days of home remedies. At least you could afford them.


See? This is the reason we need to break our need for oil. Because rouge countries will hold it over our heads anytime they want something. "let us do this or you won't get your precious oil."

Brazil has came up with alternative sources of fuel and even have cars that are manufactured to run on 3 different types, Gasoline, Ethanol and fuel cells. If we are so industrialized, why haven't we been able to do the same thing?


Helen Thomas should know about the press, she covered presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton. If fact, during the days of the Reagan White House she was a key figure in the White House press corps during the Press Conferences. She asked the first and last question. So for her to criticize the press corps means something. She always asked the hard questions. Most presidents really didn't want to answer her questions but she was always like a dog with a bone.


At least people are coming together to support the 14 yr old son of Dana and Chistopher Reeves. It has to be hard to lose both parents so close togehter.